No matter you summer plans, you’re bound to have some free time where you will become bored. You can only scroll TikTok and Instagram for so long before it hits! And you can only rewatch that show so many times.
So what do you do when you’ve got a bad case of cabin fever and you need to do something?
That’s what we’re here for! Instead of staying at home, or simply going to dinner with your friends, think outside the box and create a summer that is Pinterest-worthy!
So, if you’re bored to tears this summer, we have the list for you! No longer sit around your home and need entertainment, get up and kick boredom to the curb with these aesthetic things to do!
Solo Adventures
- Create a vision board.
- Write in a journal.
- Tackle spring cleaning.
- Do a puzzle.
- Try a YouTube beauty tutorial.
- Draw a warm bath.
- Create new music playlists.
- Learn a new language.
- Try a new food.
- Grow a herb garden.
- Nap in a hammock.
- Go to the farmer’s market.
- Bake a fruit pie from scratch.
- Get a tattoo.
Family Adventures
- Play some karaoke! If you’re too scared to go to a karaoke bar, you could even download the Smule app!
- Try a new recipe.
- Host a family game night.
- Browse old family photos.
- Attend a parade.
- Run through sprinklers.
- Learn to fly fish.
- Go to a baseball game.
- Host a barbeque.
Friend Adventures
- Host a virtual Netflix party.
- Have a crafternoon.
- Stream a concert from your favourite artist.
- Get Mani-Pedi’s.
- Make fancy cocktails.
- Try a TikTok dance.
- Leap off a rope swing.
- Make tie-dye shirts.
- Have a water balloon fight.
- Go backpacking.
- Go on a scavenger hunt.
Date Adventures
- Learn a new skill from YouTube or Skillshare.
- Write love letters.
- Have an indoor picnic.
- Go to an amusement park.
- Pick fresh strawberries.
- Take a roadtrip.
- Feed the ducks.
- Ride a hot air balloon.
- Go wine tasting.
- Sleep in a cabin.
- Go to a drive-in movie.
- Watch the sunset.